Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Beginning ♥

So far so good in this class I have no complaints....yet! When I was told I needed to sign up for an English Lab I was not exactly sure why. Frankly, I'm still not too sure why. One of my expectations throughout this class will be to have it challenge me. To make me think and make me work towards something for a betterment of myself. My expectation will be learning the reason why the English Department here at Clemson felt the need for me to take this class. I mean it is a one hour a week to supplement the other 3 hrs I spend in "real" English Class. I am still sorta fuzzy on why we are here?
I do not exactly know what to comment on considering we have not done much granted this is the third time I have been in here but o well. I am kind of anticipating the "sound track" of my life assignment. It seems like something I would enjoy doing. I listen to all music and when I say all music that is exactly what I mean. To the point that when people flip through my I-pod they laugh because it will go from Frank Sinatra, to Lil Wayne, to High school Musical to Papa Roach to Britney and the list goes on and on. Music is something that I enjoy. So that will be interesting. Other than that so far this class does not seem to terribly daunting so we will see how it ends up.