Tuesday, April 22, 2008

what came first, movies or this case a movie that caused misery

The movie High Fidelity to me was a big dud. I feel like it was a movie about nothing, we watched a man fall over girls who "played him" I did not find it entertaining really at all. I might have been looking at this too close minded, after the first few minutes I kind of stopped paying attention. If you have ever seen the show Seinfield you know what I am talking's a movie about "nothing". There were so many different plot twists the director could have taken but to me it seemed like he just took the boring way out.
In a way I could see how this movie could be entertaining to a certain crowd but it was not my cup of tea. The whole grunge 90's look, I wasn't feeling it. I feel that the main character was a loser that probably many men could associate with. Just the fact that we could see how he had not changed over the course of all of the "girls" in his life proves my theory. He owns an old vinyl store which no one even comes into and when they do they are insulted. I do understand it. Nor do i understand the fashion statements that the three men who worked in the shop were trying to make.
One thing I can say that I did not totally hate was some of the music in the film. I enjoyed a few of the tracks and Crimson & Clover was stuck in my head for the rest of the day. So props to the person who created the sound track. Other than that I thought the overall out look of the movie was so dull and boring, the colors were blah and nothing really stood out to me as memorable. I was wondering at the beginning of the film why I had never heard of it before, and then it became obvious after the first day we had watched it. I was absent the second day in class when the movie continued so unfortunatly I did not get to see the ending but I talked to a few of my classmates and they gave me an overall synopsis and the general comment was, "well you didnt miss much". I felt the comedy in this film to be average, not laugh out loud funny. I expected a little bit more out of Jack Black but I am assuming this was one of his earlier roles so he was still adjusting.
Overall I do not think I would recommend this movie to any of my friends or for that matter would I care to watch the ending to see what happens. Next time lets watch Gone With the Wind, atleast that is four hours of something worth seeing.